Sunday, August 21, 2011

Interesting fact.

If anyone were to say these words, he/she needs help.

Well, if this is the reason for you not to smile, then I think you did not just failed yourself but you failed in LIFE itself. Why so pessimist first of all? Yes, happiness won't last but that doesn't mean it won't come back. Unless you have that attitude of course. The time when happiness isn't around is the time for other emotions to take place. Anger, Sadness, Frustration, Lust, are what makes life beautiful. But I can bet with you happiness will always be there. It's like a pizza. Happiness as cheese and other emotions as ingredients. Owh yummy. :P Change yourself! When was the last time you looked into the mirror and said I'm gonna own this world, huh?

Not directed to anyone, fyi.
Yours Truly,

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

One last perfect date.

Okay, I'm gonna start off by saying I was inspired to write about this by someone I know. Let's just say we just connected randomly. Thank you, btw. :)

Anyways, I'm gonna ask you reader's a question first. Have you ever come across a situation where you know something's gonna end but you're still holding on? In this case, a girl you like. (or guy) Both of you are really close. Even though you know it's gonna end someday, your relationship is too close that you don't want it broken. Well, reality check my friend, everything is gonna come to an end someday. BUT, don't end it just like that. At least bring her out one last time. Do something special. Since it's the 'last time', at least make a memory out of it. Be that someone that person needs, all in one day. Don't get what I'm trying to say? Well, here's my example of one last ultimate date.

Wake up super early the last day you're gonna be together. (And I mean super early) Make breakfast for your partner. (Yes, even us guys gotta do it) Then, before serving breakfast, wake her up gently. Kiss her in the nose, cheeks, lips, forehead but make sure you don't go all vigorous. It's gonna be a slow morning. :) Once she's awake, kiss her and serve her breakfast in bed. If you can, do something sweet for example, serenade her, sing to her, bring her flowers. Once she's done, maybe start off lazy by watching a movie in bed. Have her cuddle next to you. Then bring her out for lunch, somewhere nice and not so hot. Probably have a few scoops of ice-cream after that. Bring her shopping or something. By dusk, I suggest a walk by the beach. Watch the sunset together. Pay someone to work up some fireworks for you. :P Owh, don't forget dinner. Spoil her if you must. It's just for a day. After that, well it's up to you actually. Try taking her hand under the moonlight and dance like there's no tomorrow. Ballroom dance, random dance, who cares? Just do it, Under the moonlight. Yeap that'll be super ending for that date. Just be creative, be spontaneous, and be sweet.

Now, the reason I said she instead of he is because, well, I'm a guy too, sooo, yeah. :P Now I didn't say girl can't do all this. It's recommended actually. Who ever said girls are the one that always has to be pampered. :P In other words, guys or girls, make your partner know that this world isn't so evil. There are still people that cares and loves. Well, a toast to many things that will come.

Yours Truly. :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Concentrate on being the right man.

I think this really spoke to me. I now know my ways we're wrong.
Constant blabbering about finding the right one isn't gonna lead me there.
Building myself to become someone would be much better.
How do people come up with this kinda stuff, I always wonder.
Hah! But thankfully, I don't have to start far. At least I know the basics of not being an ass. :)

Yours Truly.