Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is a girlfriend/boyfriend to you?

Well, what is it? What do you see in that particular someone you are in love with? Lately, all my friends are finding what I (Yes, i repeat, I) hope will be their true love. :) Yes of course most people think true love is all trash but think of it properly, is it really? I myself, love to believe in it. If it wasn't meant for me, but for a friend, then I'm content enough. I like seeing people happy, feeling loved. Especially if the relationship is true. No cheating, no lying, no reason for them to NOT fall in love. Especially to the guys, when they hold their partners hand, the feeling of proud-ness they have in them and to the girls that isn't shy to show how much she cares. They just complete each other. I'm sure once in a while, they have their flaws shown but if they were to be in love, that small matter won't stop them from forgiving each other. I mean c'mon, nobody is perfect. I also love seeing my friend that stayed with his girl after almost 4 years. 4 years! People, i think we all can learn from that. :) I also wanna congratulate my friends that is now in a relationship.
An advise. Always smile! You don't know how much it'll mean to your partner. :)
Ahhh, sheer joy indeed. :)

However, I stunned by a statement not long ago. And it really hit me. I was advising my friend about relationship when he struck me with this statement.
"Wow, thanks Scott. You should be a love Guru. Haha."
I did not know how to feel. Was I good in any of this? I looked back and just gave a sigh and said,
"I myself having problem with love."
Its funny, how I can go on and on and on about this and not moving on. Even advise from my friend .who advised me to right my feelings down would help, helped. I guess my time isn't up yet. I'll have to force myself to get over everything. It's not easy I can tell you that. Not with all the stuff I'm going through now. Friends, events, life.

I always wonder how, she moved on so easily. It was never easy for me, For both of mine. I guess her feelings died down as time progressed. It's hard, seeing your picture all over, hearing your name being mentioned.. It looks like I was just a memory. A bad one. I'm only talking about you here cause i HIGHLY doubt you'll ever read my blog. Plus, I don't think you'll bother remembering about me anymore. That's life i guess. You get thrown out once you've done your job.
Honestly, I am sick of blogging about all this but i can't help it. :(

I just have a few more wish.
To those that just found their match, please stay as one. It won't hurt to forgive one another. Put ego aside. It only kills.
Remember, a boyfriend/girlfriend is not a title, it is a promise. 
And congratulations again. :)

And to you. :(
Sigh, all i want is to see you one more time, to pass you something im meaning to give you long time ago.
If we do meet after that, i'm sure its just a small intersection between our path. I'm sure it won't change anything. :(

This will be the second last about this. Hopefully.

Rising back from the ashes. Yours truly.

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