Tuesday, September 28, 2010

We tasted Hell but prevailed!

Hey guys and gals!! =)
I bet you're wondering how the event went? Well, I like to start off with one statement. The RAIN was super annoying that day!! We started the preparation in the morning but then it rained during the afternoon. And all i can add  is THAT rainy day was the worst I've ever seen in my whole life of living! My WHOLE school was flooded and as the rain subsides, the school was in a super bad condition. =/

So, as the rain continued to pour (this was during the time it rained), All of us ACS interactors was having a fuse among each other about whether we should cancel the whole plan or to postpone it. Then, Lohgan(my best friend) suggested that we bring the event to an orphanage home. And you know what? That was THE most awesome idea ever!! But then guess what? IT RAINED AGAIN!! Gosh!! I was super stressed out at that moment. But we told ourselves that the event HAD to continue. So we shifted everything to a dry area and continued inside. Overall, it was awesome!! After the performance, we all played lantern. I stayed inside and cleaned the place. It was indeed a VERY stressful and tiring day.

But before i end this post, there was one thing that struck me as i looked outside and watched my friends playing with the kids, it felt... Magical. Their smile was those smile that can light up a whole room. Their eyes were filled with joy. Everyone had an awesome time and without fail, that was the moment that i captured in my train of thought and i know it will last forever. It just took my breath away.

So now it's your turn to tell me. Have you ever been in a moment that took your breath away?
Let me know, just drop a comment or pm me. Don't be shy. Share you're experience so that this world will be a better place. =)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Its coming soon!!

Hey guys and gals!!
The mooncake festival is almost here!! So grab your friends, parents, kids, cousins, teachers, friends of your cousins, your aunt, your uncle, your aunt's sister-in-law, your parents close friends relative, your friend's friends ant etc. (you get my point) =P
Grab them and head towards ACS, Klang!! If you dont know where that is just leave a message and ask me! The details is already posted in the previous post so i dont wanna hear any excuse!! Its open to the public so be there!! =D

Monday, September 20, 2010


Hey watsup stalkers!! =P
Just kidding. Haha. How've been people? Just to let you guys know. Its back to school day today!! Super boring man! Haha. Anyways, the reason im posting this post is to inform anyone out there who is in Klang to come to my Interact Event. Its the MOONCAKE Festival!! =D
It starts at 6.00 and is held in my school (ACS) =)
I wanna see most of you faces there kay!
Its open to the public so you are ALL welcome to join in the fun!!
Anymore details just comment or send a message kay.
Well, thats all for now!
Stay healthy and dont be smelly! =)

Friday, September 17, 2010


Life isn't so hard,
Things seem to go smoothly as planned,
People think life is hard because,
At one point of their life,
An obstacle appears,
And we take it as a setback,
There are ways to stop this,
But we tend to ignore the brakes,
And we let this setback bring us down the hill,
As a result,
We become something we don't wanna be.
Thats why, when some one says you can't do anything,
Just walk away,
But before you do that,
Look at thats person and say


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Should I?

Hey guys, Wazzap!! =D
Hols are going just fine. Its kinda boring at home so I had time to brush up on my guitar playing. Its been awhile.
I did some music hunting lately and i am happy i did that. =D
Here's a few for you guys/girls to hear,
NeverShoutNever- Happy
NeverShoutNever- Distance 4 Distance
NeverShoutNever- BigCityDream
Rocket to the moon- Dakota
I'll hunt for more songs for you people soon kay.
Me gotta go now. So i'll see all then.
Till then, CIAOZ!! =D

Quote of the day:
A day without laughter is a day wasted. -Charlie Chaplin

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


When we we're just a kid, 
We would wear a cloth around our neck, thinking we're superman.
We would climb the tallest tree, looking up, and thinking that we MADE IT! 
We would stand tall, looking at everyone, thinking we're a leader.
We would constantly stay away from dark areas, thinking that there are monsters lurking.


We don't think we're superman anymore cause everything is impossible,
We don't think we can make a difference cause everything we do is futile,
We are afraid to be leaders cause leaders tend to make mistake and is observed by many,
We would always stay in the dark, away from everyone.

What happened?! We shouldn't be this way. So next time if people says grow up, let them think again. Do we wanna be a typical adult? Live life the way you want it to be. Be yourself, and not what the people want you to be. =)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Does God exist?

Hey guys, many people complained that my blog was empty so i decided to add some interesting stuff. I came across an awesome video of a true story about what a young boy said to his professor.
Here's the link.
If any of you are lazy to watch it then let me tell you guys/ girls.

A professor is teaching is class. The professor said,
"I'll prove to you, if God exist, then he is evil." "Did God create everything that exists?
The students answer yes.
"If God creted everything, then he created evil. Which means, God is evil"
Then, a young boy raised his hands, He asked,
"Excuse me professor, does cold exist?"
The professor chuckled and said ofcourse it does. But he was wrong. The boy said,
"Infact sir, cold does not exist, what we consider cold, in reality, is actualy the absence of heat"
"Professor, does darkness exist?"
The professor said ofcourse. But he was wrong again. The boy said,
"You are wrong prfessor, darkness does not exist either, it is actualy the absence of light"
"Evil does not exist. It is like darkness and cold. God did not create evil"
"Evil is the result of what happens when man does not believe in God's love present in his heart"
That boy was Albert Einstein. (1879-1955)

Woahhh!! Wasn't that awesome!! I think he was about 10 years of age when he said that. 10 years old! I mean c'mon, most teenagers these days can't even think like that. Respect yo respect. =)
Anyways, thats all for now. Till next time.
One heart, peace to the world.
Ciaozz! =)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Woah! Everythings sooo different!

Hye guys and gals!! (and it if youre not any of that) =D
Im new in blogging so cut me some slack.
Okay, i think i should intro myself first.
HYE! Name's Scott Soe Woei Hao. Just call me Scott for short. =)
Im 15 going 16 this year at 13/10/1994.
Just an average guy living in this tough tough world.
I love playing my guitar, socializing, and having fun!
Well, thats about it. If u wanna know me more well ask! Dont be shy. You know you wanna! =P