Monday, November 1, 2010

It's over. I'm over.

OMG!! How long has it been huh? 1week+??
Tsk tsk tsk. Shame on me for not keeping my viewers updated. If i have any anyways. =P
Guess what people? Finals is over!!
But i don't feel very confident. I already got 3 exam marks and its all %$@#. =/
Well, im not academically smart anyways but people don't care. Hmm. =/
Hopefully i won't do as bad as this in my next years exam.
Owh, and i wanna take this opportunity to wish ALL my indian friends all over the world,
Already got a few invites. Awesome-ness!!
Anyways, thats all for me now. I'll update more the next time i come online kay.
Chiaoz!! =D

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