Friday, July 22, 2011

Is it still a mystery?

I like how life makes things seem so simple and yet it's still complicated at the same time. 
Yeah it can be a lil' annoying at times, giving you lemons every now and then but what's life without it eh? 
Trying to make sense will just get to you to an asylum if you're trying to deduce this complication. Just sit back relax and enjoy the ride. I don't know why i'm blabbering about all this but i just feel like it. :)

Let me tell you girl's something really beautiful. If you're a guy reading this, well, you can use it to tell the girls you love. It's formed by me and my friend and it really is something. And guys, please use this quote to remind each girl in your life

" Every single girl is pretty, Only some is beautiful, But only one can be amazing "

Yeap. Guys, if you have this perception in life, then you're one heck of a gentleman. :)
Stay safe world. Till next time.
Yours Truly.

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