Tuesday, January 25, 2011

After being dumped

Hey guys, its me again. 
Im here today to tell whoever is reading this about being dumped.
It is a painful thing all of us teenagers go through and it is not something to be taken lightly. Many ended their lives because of the departure of their so called 'loved' ones and to over come it is a hard thing to do. There are many ways you can overcome it. Sadly to say, i've been through this lately too and life since then was always testing me. During this period of dull-ness, I tried many ways to get my mind off her and honestly, it was the hardest thing I have ever done. Even more sad is that I am not over her yet. =/ Anyways, enough about me, lets cut to the point shall we? By the way, this advise im giving is based on what i feel. Criticizing is not needed.

Way No.1
To be honest, Try not to follow this way. It's a heartless thing to do and the only reason I'm saying this way is for my own good. This is to ensure me never to go back to this way again. Its called the selfish way. Whereby, after the breakup, you would change who you truly are and go for the meanner approach to whomever you see especially 'her'/'him'. Treating people with disrespect, thinking everyone in this world is against you and whatever you do will surely bring war to your own soul and thus leading you towards the end of your life. I've only tired this once and it did not bring any good at all. Life is too beautiful to end your life just like that. Despite of all the nasty things we had heard from all around the world, do not ever forget that there are still ALOT of people with a soul that still cares. There is still heart around us. In conclusion, this way sucks.

Way No.2 
This way is normally used to show how much 'she'/'he' meant the world to you. You'll be doing stupid things like being emo or just be sad even though youre suppose to be happy. The pity-ness that people gives you along this period of time can only last so long, you will lose your friends eventually. Trust me. I did not stray long enough to find out what will happen. I'm a very lucky guy to have friends that helped me by pulling me out from the dark. You might even start to get jealous if someone else was talking to her instead of you. I know i was and im still not used to it yet. Well, that's what you get for giving up your heart so easily.

Way No.3
In this way, you will try to get over her as quick as possible. This might take a long time but it is best for you and everyone around you. To do this, simply be happy. Yes thats what I said. Just be happy. Do stuff that gets your mind off things. Get out from your house, do fun activities with your friends, do whatever it takes to be happy again. Being sad about someone that does not care for you and leaves you hanging. It really helps not only you, it also helps everyone around you. After being dumped, people will think you will be down and very low spirited. Surprise them, tell them that you have a strong soul and can overcome anything thrown at you. The smile on your face will be genuine. :)

For me, I am finally getting better but this scar will definitely stay. I'm gonna try one last time as said in my previous post. Being dumped by someone you care about is very painful. Especially when you gave your heart to that person. It might not be totally her fault that i was dumped. Perhaps she was right, I might have taken it fast. But that doesn't mean we can't start over. I promise it won't be easy but I can promise that it will all be worth it. My only hope is that she knows how I feel for her. That is all for me. I hope this helped many readers out there. Although i don't have many. 

Yours truly, Scott. 

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