Saturday, February 26, 2011

Reasons why couples do not match

So here i am, at 4oclock in the morning, blogging about something that bothers a lot of people. Why Am I up late, is another question, the reason im here is to tell my readers the importance of treating a partner. Here is a quote from my friend:

"Going after a person is fun. The bad part people cant handle is after getting the person"

Think about it people. Dont you think this is true? I mean, i know what it feels like to be in this situation. And to those that agrees with that statement, you people gotta change how you see things. Let me explain to you. There are a few things that you readers should know. Firstly, let me talk to you readers from the girls perspective:

Girl's perspective:
Most girls would want to be with who they know that they can grow up with, spend time with and also smile with each other anytime, anyday. They dont instantly fall in love with a man they just met. Drooling over someone that is hot is called crush, i mean, thats what i think so. Girls fall in only several times in their life, in which, the numbers can be counted with your fingers. Some even falls in love only once and is happy about it. We all make mistakes so it isnt wrong to love a few times. As they say, its better to have loved and lost than to never had loved at all. And once they found their 'man', they do not need to bother about their love life anymore cause they already got one and they know that if it is the one, he wouldnt leave. So what do they do? They carry on with their lives and not to be harsh to you ladies, you kinda leave the guys aside. Without sufficient love cause you girls know they wont leave you.

In the guy's perspective however:
After all the things they do to get to a female's heart, they would feel so much alive. Like its the best day of their lives. Unfortunately, they were wrong. During a relationship, guys would want the girls to treat them the way they used to be treated during the period they were going after their girl. For a man to receive love from their loved one is very important especially if the guy is being pressured from others sources. If insufficient love is given, how is the man going to survive if the woman of his life does not even help him. This is where the problem happens. The woman is not giving enough, the man is in need of more. If it gets worse, the guy might even cause bigger problems like trying to commit suicide.

This is very sad and for me, i think this is the main reason why couples these days are getting divorced. I'm just speculating. Beside, there are many other reasons too. But i think this is one of the many common reasons. Now, don't be surprised but this might even happen oppositely. My main point is, dont ever stop loving your partners. It might lead to even worst things. If you have feelings for them, show it. Dont keep it to yourself. Dont ever think that if you love them, they know it. Thats not really true. Both male and female likes to be shown love everytime. If not, once in a while. Keep your partners confused about your feeling towards them , as said, is gonna get ugly. So, keep them happy with love. And please show it. :)
Btw, sorry if I offended anyone. This is just my point of view. Feel free to comment.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What my heart is saying...

Have you ever wondered what would your friends/ family/ enemy life would be without meeting you?
Well, i have and to tell you readers the truth, life pretty much goes on the same for them. With or without me. Maybe its because I'm not much of an impact to anyones life? Or is it because I'm just a friend they meet in just one chapter of their life.
It doesn't bother me that much but still, there is a feeling inside of me that wish I know someone couldn't live without me. Not literally of course.
I mean I just wish I was the main character for someone else's life. =/
Honestly, think about it, don't you agree with me?
We all have people we care about or hate but that's what makes life fun.
I don't mind being in just one chapter of a book as long as I changed that certain someone's perception or way of life. But being in someone's life and staying there is a very big deal.
So dear readers, my point is, if someone really say that they cannot live without you and mean it, then stay there with them through out their journey. You'll never know that they might mean something to you too. Its a gamble but what is life without risk? Just make sure they mean what they say.

I'm in a very unstable state right now. But who cares, right?
As long as everyone around me is happy and living life they way they are suppose to live. That is good enough for me to make me smile. I don't care if I'm down in the dumps, just as long as other smile. Then so shall I.

Thanks for reading dear readers. It means a lot to me. Seriously. :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby baby baby owhhh!! :P

Hey guys!! Now the tittle is not what it seems. It really means baby and not the song that was sung by Justin Bieber. During the Chinese New Year holiday, I met a two adorable people that just caught my attention the whole time. Yes, two baby that is seriously adorable!! Like ZOMG!! 

The first one is my nephew named Dexter Teh. Yes I am an uncle but i don't mind being one for this chubby chubby boyh!! A little fact about him, He doesn't like people carrying him except his mom, his dad and sometimes my dad too. It is kinda hard to make him smile but when he does, i bet even the most darkest person by heart in this world would smile. :)

The next one is a small. She is not related to me but she is just as cute as Dexter. I met her during a dinner I had to attend somewhere around Bukit Tinggi. Her smile is just what I needed during that dinner. Was kinda bored actually till she came along. She sat beside my sister whom was sitting beside me. She smile easily and she sometimes giggles for no reason. Cute ain't she? She is also kind! The reason I am saying this is because she actually offered me food! She pilled some bun for me but did not offer any to my sister. Something tells me she flirts well. ;) Hahaha.                    

A certain someone better do better now. ;P Well that is all for me. I hope you readers enjoyed reading and admiring them as much as me. I gotta go now. Busy and hectic schedule. Till the next time I blog. Ta-ta. Bless your face people. Stay healthy, pretty, handsome, hot and whatever you think that you are. Just stay that way. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ways to Enjoy Life (No.4)

Give it hope, Have faith and believe. Even the impossible happens.

Watsup guys, as said above, have faith in whatever thing you do. You'll be surprised that even the impossible happens. I know it did cause things are way much better with her now. We reconnected and back to the way it was before. I'll never let this one go again. That's a promise i'm willing to make. Turns out, all I need was to go through  a phase. But thanks to certain people, i had faith and believed in it. Everything feel into place after that. I don't think i can elaborate more on this topic because it is up to you readers to apply it. If anything happens, just look for the way that can make you smile again. Going against the dark will only make it worst. As said my most of my friends, time heals all wounds. :) Time did heal me, but it also tested me and it was all worth it.