Friday, April 22, 2011


First of, i was inspired to write this. Don't know why but it just struck me.
A doppelganger is someone that looks like someone. A look-alike. A twin.

Have you ever wanted to meet someone like you? Whereby you both are like alike, you like the same thing, same hobby, same taste, but yet at the same time both of you are totally different people. I admit, i wanna meet someone like me. Someone that i can relate to in everything i do. It's not easy.
But what really struck me is that, in the end, we ourselves are our own doppelgangers. Look, think about every single one you know especially yourself. Then look back five years ago, were they the same person? Were YOU the same person? I'll bet my life, you aren't the same person you are now.

For example, five years ago, i was just a kid. Lost with no direction to go to. But readers, you see, the universe has already planned our life. God himself did. Back then, I was not a nice guy, and was kinda weak back then. But now, i'm proud to say that i'm stronger in life. It doesn't matter how many things are thrown at you, if you make it out alive, you make it out stronger.

Why don't you ask yourself that question. Think about it. Events in life are there for a reason.
And whatever you do, follow your heart, not always your mind. Opposing your heart will make your heart weaker. If you know what you want, deep from the heart, fight for it, chase it, keep it. Even if it seems impossible, it IS possible. If it weren't to be possible, the thought of it won't even be there.

Well, another thing i want to add. My school life is getting tougher now. People are starting to show their true color. Never did i thought he could be so ego-maniac. It's sad cause in the end, it'll devour him. Blinded by his ego-ness, i can only side him for so long. Now he has gone over the limit and sad to say, he won't make a great person in life. I looked up to you, now all i can see is down.

Blabbering around. Yours truly.

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