Saturday, April 30, 2011

When everything is against us.

Funny story on how i came up with that title, but its really got me thinking.
Well, it was my IU day today. In case most of you dont know, IU day( International Understanding day) is a n event whereby a club, does this event to get to know more about the country and telling it to the others.

Unfortunately, my IU day was depressing, sad to say. So many problems in such a small time. Sometimes, i feel, people dont understand what we're are going through. And its like the whole world is going against us. :/
But then when i think back, i was one of those people that didn't appreciate just a little bit of what people gave us. So, from now on, i'm changing my perspective. But it does bring up an interesting question right?
Ask yourself, what if everything we know goes against us? Would you end your life or fight on?
I think that really proves who you are as a human being. I would fight on. Like in my IU day, problems happened but in the end, it was all good. Like a huge load had been lifted. :)

On another note, i just had a chat with my friend about relationships. Owh how much it hurts me when i heard what he was going through. Kinda reminded of what i'm going through last time.
But he did stuck me with one particular sentence which really moved me.
"Take the leap of faith"
I think most of us heard of this before. Well, if you didn't, then let me elaborate. In every relationship, it is a gamble. No one meets each other and falls in love instantly, not until they take that leap. To trust, believe and hope for a good future with that person. Loving is like gambling. You'll never know the outcome, and you'll never know whether youre gonna win or lose. But its also different from gambling because, most of the time, you end up winning. So go ahead, take that leap of faith. To have faith with someone, who makes you smile, who gives you butterflies in your tummy, and to know that that certain someone will always be there for you. Once you know he/she is that someone, don't let go. And don't get into a relationship if you are unsure. It will only hurt both sides. But if you are sure you wanna go for that someone, all i can say is, jump. Into that life you dream of having. Who knows, you might end up hurting both sides, you might be fighting for freedom, or you might just be together. Finding that fairytale is what we all want.

Hunting down for it. Yours truly. :)

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