Monday, May 30, 2011

Would you dance till dawn with me?

I need an inspiration!
Holidays started and I'm starting it off with nothing productive! D:
Owh gosh, someone, gimme something to blog about. Or something i can do to spend my holidays.
Big event coming soon. And i hope it'll be a blast.
But i don't think its enough to satisfy my need to getting my mind off things.
I'm crapping a lot now am I? Sigh.
Well, its the end of the month, end of a chapter.
I just hope the next one brings something better. May was not a very good month indeed.

Wishing i could read your mind.
Yours truly.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Do you want to? Cause I sure as hell DON'T!

That is all I can say.
To a certain someone. I'll wait.
Now until who knows when.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Think I got love all figured out.

Love is defined my many in many ways. Well, to me, i think its a promise, a connection and a feeling we have towards someone. A promise that is made by two person. A connection that can't be seen. And also a feeling we feel with someone. There are many ways for us to be in love or to feel love. But i won't waste my time giving examples on that. Different people have different thought on it. :)

Anyways, the main thing i want to highlight is that, studies show that the side-effects we get when we're feeling loved are sweaty palms, fast beating heart, a also a messy mind. However, note that, this are also side-effects of fear. Like being afraid of something bad might happen.

So, what i have concluded is, love is also fear but with the trust that the person we gave out heart to will not break it or drop it. When a certain person hugs us in that lovely manner, or gives a peck on our cheeks, forehead or our lips, we trust that they won't hurt us physically. This is because our trust for them over-powers our fear of that happening, hence, we feel love. But that does not ignore the side-effects.
Of course, this is just an assumption and i do believe that love is really a feeling we can never explain. It's more than just stars over us, butterflies in our tummy and being happy. Also note that, when we're with a person you love, another side-effect is excessive smiling. :) And that i think its one of the best.

Well, it's obvious enough that love in cannot be defined. But, hey, at least i tried.
I miss having an excessive smile though. It's been awhile.

Then again, I don't think i got it figured out.
Yours truly.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I feel like an idiot.

They say we smile to hide the tears. So eff-ing true.
And owh how i wish that we don't have to.
I feel like and idiot, wasting my day.
Thinking about stuff i'll never get to say.
I'm sick of it. I just want an answer, a straight answer.
At least to the heart. Ughh, hanging by a moment.
And i don't mean that moment we all want.

IMY. It's the truth but it's harsh.
Yours truly.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Forgive my state of mind now.

With all the extra stress I'm having now,
I'm not thinking straight.
So if i offended anyone including the people I care,
I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean it. :(

It's gonna be okay.
Yours truly.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Hello dear readers. How you've been? :)
Good i hope. Anyways, I'm gonna talk about something interesting today. It's things in our everyday life that we might have over-looked and well, just not appreciating what people around us are going through.
Everyone has a story to tell. EVERYONE.
And no matter how we judge it, in the end, it's really up to us to decide whether that story will affect our lives or not. Personally, i like this kind of stories. Gives me something to think about from time to time. Especially those touchy ones. I have a few friends in my life that gives me these kind of feelings. The way they go through life as if nothing's wrong. I don't know if they break down once in awhile but all i know is, they thought me a lesson in life, and so the least i can do is to respect them and what they are going through.

Still not clear?
Well, i have a few stories.
No 1. :)
He was just 8 at that time. He knew nothing. Just like any normal day, he would help his mom in the garden. And his loving dad would just lie down on his chair. Just relaxing while enjoying the peace. A second passed, normal. A minute passed, nothing seems wrong at that time. An hour passed and something went wrong. Soon, a friend's parents of mine, took care of hi and his brother. A day passed, his dad was gone. To thin air, disappeared like a magician's illusion. He was just 8, when he had to bury his dad. He was just 8 when his father's ashes and soul was laid to rest. He was just 8 when he had to take responsibility. Now he's same age like me, but living life as if nothing happened. I was touched.

No.2. :)
It started as a happy family, it ended the opposite. With one cheating on the other, the whole family was on the brink of breaking everything apart. In time, it settled The "war" was over. My friend's mother had the upper-hand. What she had gone through for her family, that i don't know. But with a few hints here and there, I knew she was stronger, and so was my friend. It's as bad as losing the man of the house, but nothing stopped my friend from living. Although he may not know what love may be because even his parents didn't know what it was, or at least his dad, i know he's gonna find it soon. I was touched.

No.3 :)
I am speechless about this. 4 years together, even when people said you won't make it. But i think you will, till the day you make promises with her, till the day you have a child, and till the day you pass away. I hope you both will stay as one. Give, not only me, but everyone around you, the true meaning of love. Stay together because I was touched.

The list goes on, dear readers. I'm not sure if you bother to read it all but who's forcing you.
All I want you to do is open up your eyes. Widen the range. People around you are suffering but they just don't show it. Appreciate them with respect. Think about it, and ask yourself, who ARE the people that's going through a hard time in my life. You'll be surprised. Owh, of course i have my own story to tell, but i'll save that for another time alright?

Touched and happy at the moment.
Your truly. :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hmm, when you asked me. I didn't know. Its just there. The feeling, its just lingering in me. Well, i guess that's what they when you fall, you really fall hard. Please don't get me wrongly. Even after what I've been through, i know its really weird to still have the feeling. Many would have given up. Truth be told, i never really had the thought of giving up. But at the same time, i'm afraid. To fall again. To believe again. I'm only half way back up and now i'm giving hints i'm gonna fall again. I think this time, i won't. At least not yet. I'll let time tell. I won't make any move. Not this time. Not until i know it's okay to fall again.

Soften my fall.
Cause today is a great day for falling in love.
Yours truly.