Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hmm, when you asked me. I didn't know. Its just there. The feeling, its just lingering in me. Well, i guess that's what they when you fall, you really fall hard. Please don't get me wrongly. Even after what I've been through, i know its really weird to still have the feeling. Many would have given up. Truth be told, i never really had the thought of giving up. But at the same time, i'm afraid. To fall again. To believe again. I'm only half way back up and now i'm giving hints i'm gonna fall again. I think this time, i won't. At least not yet. I'll let time tell. I won't make any move. Not this time. Not until i know it's okay to fall again.

Soften my fall.
Cause today is a great day for falling in love.
Yours truly.

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