Sunday, November 6, 2011

The world has lost a Hero.

The world has really lost a Hero. Someone that we didn't expect and don't want to leave from this cruel world. You see, my uncle, passed away just few days ago. It was a heavy loss to everyone, not only the family but also his friends and workmates. And I think if you were to see how my grandfather cried and my aunt cried, you'll think to yourself, love really is strong. My grandpa's love for his son, My aunt's love for my uncle. How would you survive, when you see your son pass before you? How would you survive, when the love of your life just gone without a goodbye. Yet, my family managed to stay strong, most of the time. But what I am really mad about is the main reason my uncle passed and if I don't share it out, I think it would be an insult to his memory.

You see, my uncle passed away in Bangkok. On the night of his passing, he complained to the hotel manager that he was having chest pains and wanted an ambulance to bring him to a hospital. According to my aunt that went and retrieve the body, the hospital was only 10 minutes away but it took an hour for the ambulance to arrive. As usual, my intelligent uncle knew he had a medical card with him, took it out along with his ID and whatnot to show it to the doctor. Unfortunately, he fainted due to low oxygen in his blood. The doctor, in one of the most well known place in the world, COULDN'T READ OR SPEAK ENGLISH. With this communication breakdown, IF ONLY THEY KNEW HOW TO READ, IF ONLY THEY LEARNT HOW, but unfortunately, they failed to find out the problem and my uncle passed ALONE in that hospital. If only he was in Malaysia, he would have been saved.

And to that note, we might as well ask ourselves, why must there be a barrier in this kind of situation. WHY?! Ask yourself, if this were to happen to you, who would you blame? And now the government in Malaysia wants to change ALL the maths and science subject from English to Malay and he, the head of education, made his decision without consulting the citizen. If there is a barrier already, why must they enforce it more. Don't you think they have already enough problem in their hands? Their just asking for trouble. Sigh.

Well, back to my uncle, it is just sad to see it this way. When I sat in the car with my aunt after the burial, she cried even more and it hurt me a lot. Now I know why they say, love always hurts, even for both party. However, it is the little things along the way that made all these worth while. Being beside each other at hard times, having those happy moments you can share together, etc. Or does it hurt even more the happier we are, I don't know. I'm still young and exploring. So hopefully, my future spouse will love me as much as I will love her. And I will love her A LOT.

Rest In Peace Uncle
Lee Yek Wei (1966 - 2011)

Wondering how God works his ways,
Why must he take my uncle so early?
Yours Truly.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mind blown!

Woah! I just found out something awesome about the day i was born!
It falls on the 9th day of the 9th month according to chinese calender and on this month, there is a celebration called Festival of the Nine Emperor Gods. This festival usually last for 15 days but the most important day of all would be the 9th day of this celebration. And guess what? I was born on this day! Now the special thing about this is that every 9th day of the 9th month of the chinese calender, there is a 90% chance that it will rain. So this date in this year actually fell on the 5th of October this year and it RAINED! :D Awesome eh? According to chinese folklore, the 9 Gods came through the sea, that's why it rains all the time on this date of the chinese calender. So next time keep in mind and you can think of me! Woooh that was cheesy! HAHAH.

Yours Truly.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Isn't it too early?

Life's blazing by,
Everyone I know is saying their goodbyes,
Graduating and all, after this year, we'll meet new people,
New culture, new way of life, I just hope nothing changed between my friends,
The memories we had together, the pain felt by one another, owh such a pity,
Life is always pushing you to better things in life but in my opinion, i rather stay,
Or at least make time go slower, there's still so many mischief undone, so many praises not obtained,
Hopefully, we won't forget one another, and may we return someday if not everyday to catch up on stuff. I really am gonna miss high school with the friends I've met.
Please, stay longer.

Yours Truly.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

As long as chivalry never dies, I won't too.

Isn't this picture super cute?! :D
If a kid like that gets to dance a girl like that, gosh, where do I hide my face?
It's okay, someday I will. No matter where. I'm still waiting for that moment.
But I do know I won't change my way. Chivalry won't die. It's too cheesy for some, too lame for others but it's just right one for one. Well, Here I come to whom ever that is next. I'm getting to you as fast as I can, day by day, and I hope you're getting as fast as you can too. I can and will wait. :)

Yours Truly.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

Time and time again, we, humans, misunderstand each other.
But when the time of grief or sadness arises.
The tears unite us. As far as I'm concern, everyone no matter how bad, how evil, how cruel, does have a heart in them.
It's not easy to lose someone, though I may not know the feeling yet, I do understand the pain. In the end, it's the truth we have to face. But be advised that no matter how stinging the pain. you are not alone. No matter what.

Where it suppose to stand.
Where you'll cry your heart out for the people you may not know.
Just have a day off and just take a few moments to be in silence.
For the people that lost their mum and dad.
For the people that lost their children.
For the people that lost their lovers.
For the people that thought they lost everything.
I think I can speak on behalf of everyone I know, my condolences.
Yours Truly.

Friday, September 2, 2011

What does it take to be a Hero?

To anyone that wants it. To anyone that needs it. To anyone that deserves it.
17 years I have been living. 17 years of too many failure,
Not only to me, but to others, Some even left without much explanation.
I don't want that to happen again. Especially with so many challenges up ahead.
Forgive me for everything.
I think I might fail everyone again.
It kills to know I can't be who you want me to be.
The Hero you want, need, and deserve.

Yours Truly,

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Interesting fact.

If anyone were to say these words, he/she needs help.

Well, if this is the reason for you not to smile, then I think you did not just failed yourself but you failed in LIFE itself. Why so pessimist first of all? Yes, happiness won't last but that doesn't mean it won't come back. Unless you have that attitude of course. The time when happiness isn't around is the time for other emotions to take place. Anger, Sadness, Frustration, Lust, are what makes life beautiful. But I can bet with you happiness will always be there. It's like a pizza. Happiness as cheese and other emotions as ingredients. Owh yummy. :P Change yourself! When was the last time you looked into the mirror and said I'm gonna own this world, huh?

Not directed to anyone, fyi.
Yours Truly,

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

One last perfect date.

Okay, I'm gonna start off by saying I was inspired to write about this by someone I know. Let's just say we just connected randomly. Thank you, btw. :)

Anyways, I'm gonna ask you reader's a question first. Have you ever come across a situation where you know something's gonna end but you're still holding on? In this case, a girl you like. (or guy) Both of you are really close. Even though you know it's gonna end someday, your relationship is too close that you don't want it broken. Well, reality check my friend, everything is gonna come to an end someday. BUT, don't end it just like that. At least bring her out one last time. Do something special. Since it's the 'last time', at least make a memory out of it. Be that someone that person needs, all in one day. Don't get what I'm trying to say? Well, here's my example of one last ultimate date.

Wake up super early the last day you're gonna be together. (And I mean super early) Make breakfast for your partner. (Yes, even us guys gotta do it) Then, before serving breakfast, wake her up gently. Kiss her in the nose, cheeks, lips, forehead but make sure you don't go all vigorous. It's gonna be a slow morning. :) Once she's awake, kiss her and serve her breakfast in bed. If you can, do something sweet for example, serenade her, sing to her, bring her flowers. Once she's done, maybe start off lazy by watching a movie in bed. Have her cuddle next to you. Then bring her out for lunch, somewhere nice and not so hot. Probably have a few scoops of ice-cream after that. Bring her shopping or something. By dusk, I suggest a walk by the beach. Watch the sunset together. Pay someone to work up some fireworks for you. :P Owh, don't forget dinner. Spoil her if you must. It's just for a day. After that, well it's up to you actually. Try taking her hand under the moonlight and dance like there's no tomorrow. Ballroom dance, random dance, who cares? Just do it, Under the moonlight. Yeap that'll be super ending for that date. Just be creative, be spontaneous, and be sweet.

Now, the reason I said she instead of he is because, well, I'm a guy too, sooo, yeah. :P Now I didn't say girl can't do all this. It's recommended actually. Who ever said girls are the one that always has to be pampered. :P In other words, guys or girls, make your partner know that this world isn't so evil. There are still people that cares and loves. Well, a toast to many things that will come.

Yours Truly. :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Concentrate on being the right man.

I think this really spoke to me. I now know my ways we're wrong.
Constant blabbering about finding the right one isn't gonna lead me there.
Building myself to become someone would be much better.
How do people come up with this kinda stuff, I always wonder.
Hah! But thankfully, I don't have to start far. At least I know the basics of not being an ass. :)

Yours Truly.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Who I am.

FYI, this is totally random.
I won't promise the world because I know I'm not capable of doing that unlike most guys.
I won't promise luxurious trips because I'm afraid of what I might be when I grow up.
I won't promise a life full of treasures and money.
I promise you that you won't face your problems alone.
I promise you an adventurous life going through the ups and downs.
I promise you will wake up with a smile everyday.
I promise my heart because I know that is what i can offer.
I promise you, me.
Yours Truly.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I DO! I swear to God I do! It's just that everything I ever had come bitch slapping me back. :(

I think I'm pretty useless.

When i fall, i fall hard. And i'm afraid. :/
So confused now. Why am I so worried?
I used to be alright but now ever single thing affects me. :S
I know she'll be fine without me.

I miss the feeling to be someone's everything. Or at least i think i was.
Owh well. Midnight and blabbering stuff. Exam tmrw? This is not good. D:
I'm falling into darkness.
Grab me now before it's too late. 
Yours Truly.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Is it still a mystery?

I like how life makes things seem so simple and yet it's still complicated at the same time. 
Yeah it can be a lil' annoying at times, giving you lemons every now and then but what's life without it eh? 
Trying to make sense will just get to you to an asylum if you're trying to deduce this complication. Just sit back relax and enjoy the ride. I don't know why i'm blabbering about all this but i just feel like it. :)

Let me tell you girl's something really beautiful. If you're a guy reading this, well, you can use it to tell the girls you love. It's formed by me and my friend and it really is something. And guys, please use this quote to remind each girl in your life

" Every single girl is pretty, Only some is beautiful, But only one can be amazing "

Yeap. Guys, if you have this perception in life, then you're one heck of a gentleman. :)
Stay safe world. Till next time.
Yours Truly.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Like fine wine.

Hey people. It's been awhile. I'm really REALLY sorry i've not been updating my blog. Been busy the entire time. Anyways, just a short post today just to keep me on track.

The topic today is of course, girls.
What kind of girls you ask? Well, no one specific really. Just in general.
I don't understand why A LOT of them think they aren't as pretty. Pfft, it kills me inside to see that there isn't any confidence in a girl if she says that. I think to me, every girl is pretty. They are feeling lesser than what they truly are which is quite saddening. Ladies, why? Did you ladies even know that just a smile of yours can brighten any persons day? So keep smiling aight? Believe it. :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I don't need an audience

As long as you're the one I'm performing for.
It's been awhile since we last spoke. It seems like you're better off without me.
I see that you're happier, you smile a lot more, no me to keep you off your feet.
I'm good with that, really. Of all the pain I rather feel, it's this.
Letting go so that you can now really be yourself. Happy.

Now, its my turn.
To find my true self and happiness. Sigh, where are you?
16 years and i still have not figured out who I am, what makes me happy or at least calm my nerves down.
Too bad I'm not a happy go lucky person. I always give a shit about every single thing.
Over thinking most of the it. Maybe that's why I all messed up now.
But hey, at least it's a beautiful mess, right? With memories lying all around.
I'm worried though, what if i can't find another person with that smile of yours. Only time will tell I guess.
But in the mean time, as long as you're happy. So am I. Heck, i bet you won't even read this anymore but..

Don't you stop smiling, promise?
Yours Truly.

Monday, June 13, 2011


I know it's not me.
But I don't care. Seeing you sad really made my heart ache. I don't know what is the cause of it but i hope you heal from whatever you're going through soon. If it was me that caused your ache, I really am sorry. I know it's not me you're talking about when you posted on tumblr. It kills me i admit but if you're happy, then, sooner or later, i'll be happy for you too.

Just don't stay this way. Please?
Yours truly.

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's just me missing you.

Im always the One to Fuck it up . 
Im sorry that i constantly want to talk to you .
Im sorry when you take to long to reply; i get sad :( 
Im sorry if i say things that might piss you off . 
Im sorry if i put you through shit; You dont deserve it . 
Im sorry when my attitude shifts . 
Im sorry if i ever hurt you; that's the last thing i'd want to do . 
Im sorry if i come off as annoying . 
Im sorry if i think about you too much and to often . 
Im sorry when i become jealous, but baby whats mine, is mine . Im sorry if i come off as too clingy or attached at times, but thats just me missing you . You deserve the best; Thats why i try to give you my all . You mean everything to me and i just want to make you proud . I Love you, That will never change ♡

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Midnight truly is beautiful. Like you.

I just hope, you know. That, you really are beautiful. In every single way. Stop saying that you're not. Heck, you're suppose to be saying that, not me. Maybe I was there for you as a reminder that you can reach greater things. I just hope you won't forget me. Time to time, sure I'll miss you and i hope you do too. But you keeping us apart really shows something. I just can't seem to pin it down in words. All I know is, you have already moved on and i'm happy you did. At least now I know what needs to be done by me.

I feel like, this moment I'm going through, really indulged me to many things. It thought me many as I have lost many. But its best I don't mention it now. Let's go back to when we first talked eh? It was two years I believe. It started out as strangers, then friends. We got close when we had our group chat with the others remember? Yeah, that was good times. And then i broke up with my first. Wasn't easy though. Just like ours. You came to my house on CNY. Was pretty shocked actually, and i'm still touched by it. I remember you started asking so many questions but it was fun. Heh. Then, i popped the question. You didn't expected it, didn't you? Hahaha. It's still clear to me. Owh, how could i forget, my battle with your sis on pick-up lines. Started with one then it became a war. Laughing all the way. Never had so much fun before.

Things we're going pretty well, i believe. When we first held hands, it was like magic. You even surprised me during Rally. Evil you, lying to me about not making it then pop in-front of my face. That was a good one. I admit. There's also this one time you went to Singapore and got me chocolates. Yumm. :) I still have a few left. Just to remind me of you. Then, i don't know what happened. But i won't go any further. By the way, i'm re-reading our old convo and it brought me to my knees. Especially, the way you call me 'dear'. Whether its through your voice, or your text. My heart will just skip a beat every time.

Enough of my blabbering. I think it's time for me to do what needed to be done long ago.
Thank you by the way.
I'll end all this, right here, right now.
Last you'll ever hear from me, i hope.
And I know you'll be reading this but i don't really care.
What am I to you anyways?
Yours truly.

P.S. I will always love you.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Would you dance till dawn with me?

I need an inspiration!
Holidays started and I'm starting it off with nothing productive! D:
Owh gosh, someone, gimme something to blog about. Or something i can do to spend my holidays.
Big event coming soon. And i hope it'll be a blast.
But i don't think its enough to satisfy my need to getting my mind off things.
I'm crapping a lot now am I? Sigh.
Well, its the end of the month, end of a chapter.
I just hope the next one brings something better. May was not a very good month indeed.

Wishing i could read your mind.
Yours truly.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Do you want to? Cause I sure as hell DON'T!

That is all I can say.
To a certain someone. I'll wait.
Now until who knows when.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Think I got love all figured out.

Love is defined my many in many ways. Well, to me, i think its a promise, a connection and a feeling we have towards someone. A promise that is made by two person. A connection that can't be seen. And also a feeling we feel with someone. There are many ways for us to be in love or to feel love. But i won't waste my time giving examples on that. Different people have different thought on it. :)

Anyways, the main thing i want to highlight is that, studies show that the side-effects we get when we're feeling loved are sweaty palms, fast beating heart, a also a messy mind. However, note that, this are also side-effects of fear. Like being afraid of something bad might happen.

So, what i have concluded is, love is also fear but with the trust that the person we gave out heart to will not break it or drop it. When a certain person hugs us in that lovely manner, or gives a peck on our cheeks, forehead or our lips, we trust that they won't hurt us physically. This is because our trust for them over-powers our fear of that happening, hence, we feel love. But that does not ignore the side-effects.
Of course, this is just an assumption and i do believe that love is really a feeling we can never explain. It's more than just stars over us, butterflies in our tummy and being happy. Also note that, when we're with a person you love, another side-effect is excessive smiling. :) And that i think its one of the best.

Well, it's obvious enough that love in cannot be defined. But, hey, at least i tried.
I miss having an excessive smile though. It's been awhile.

Then again, I don't think i got it figured out.
Yours truly.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I feel like an idiot.

They say we smile to hide the tears. So eff-ing true.
And owh how i wish that we don't have to.
I feel like and idiot, wasting my day.
Thinking about stuff i'll never get to say.
I'm sick of it. I just want an answer, a straight answer.
At least to the heart. Ughh, hanging by a moment.
And i don't mean that moment we all want.

IMY. It's the truth but it's harsh.
Yours truly.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Forgive my state of mind now.

With all the extra stress I'm having now,
I'm not thinking straight.
So if i offended anyone including the people I care,
I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean it. :(

It's gonna be okay.
Yours truly.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Hello dear readers. How you've been? :)
Good i hope. Anyways, I'm gonna talk about something interesting today. It's things in our everyday life that we might have over-looked and well, just not appreciating what people around us are going through.
Everyone has a story to tell. EVERYONE.
And no matter how we judge it, in the end, it's really up to us to decide whether that story will affect our lives or not. Personally, i like this kind of stories. Gives me something to think about from time to time. Especially those touchy ones. I have a few friends in my life that gives me these kind of feelings. The way they go through life as if nothing's wrong. I don't know if they break down once in awhile but all i know is, they thought me a lesson in life, and so the least i can do is to respect them and what they are going through.

Still not clear?
Well, i have a few stories.
No 1. :)
He was just 8 at that time. He knew nothing. Just like any normal day, he would help his mom in the garden. And his loving dad would just lie down on his chair. Just relaxing while enjoying the peace. A second passed, normal. A minute passed, nothing seems wrong at that time. An hour passed and something went wrong. Soon, a friend's parents of mine, took care of hi and his brother. A day passed, his dad was gone. To thin air, disappeared like a magician's illusion. He was just 8, when he had to bury his dad. He was just 8 when his father's ashes and soul was laid to rest. He was just 8 when he had to take responsibility. Now he's same age like me, but living life as if nothing happened. I was touched.

No.2. :)
It started as a happy family, it ended the opposite. With one cheating on the other, the whole family was on the brink of breaking everything apart. In time, it settled The "war" was over. My friend's mother had the upper-hand. What she had gone through for her family, that i don't know. But with a few hints here and there, I knew she was stronger, and so was my friend. It's as bad as losing the man of the house, but nothing stopped my friend from living. Although he may not know what love may be because even his parents didn't know what it was, or at least his dad, i know he's gonna find it soon. I was touched.

No.3 :)
I am speechless about this. 4 years together, even when people said you won't make it. But i think you will, till the day you make promises with her, till the day you have a child, and till the day you pass away. I hope you both will stay as one. Give, not only me, but everyone around you, the true meaning of love. Stay together because I was touched.

The list goes on, dear readers. I'm not sure if you bother to read it all but who's forcing you.
All I want you to do is open up your eyes. Widen the range. People around you are suffering but they just don't show it. Appreciate them with respect. Think about it, and ask yourself, who ARE the people that's going through a hard time in my life. You'll be surprised. Owh, of course i have my own story to tell, but i'll save that for another time alright?

Touched and happy at the moment.
Your truly. :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hmm, when you asked me. I didn't know. Its just there. The feeling, its just lingering in me. Well, i guess that's what they when you fall, you really fall hard. Please don't get me wrongly. Even after what I've been through, i know its really weird to still have the feeling. Many would have given up. Truth be told, i never really had the thought of giving up. But at the same time, i'm afraid. To fall again. To believe again. I'm only half way back up and now i'm giving hints i'm gonna fall again. I think this time, i won't. At least not yet. I'll let time tell. I won't make any move. Not this time. Not until i know it's okay to fall again.

Soften my fall.
Cause today is a great day for falling in love.
Yours truly.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

When everything is against us.

Funny story on how i came up with that title, but its really got me thinking.
Well, it was my IU day today. In case most of you dont know, IU day( International Understanding day) is a n event whereby a club, does this event to get to know more about the country and telling it to the others.

Unfortunately, my IU day was depressing, sad to say. So many problems in such a small time. Sometimes, i feel, people dont understand what we're are going through. And its like the whole world is going against us. :/
But then when i think back, i was one of those people that didn't appreciate just a little bit of what people gave us. So, from now on, i'm changing my perspective. But it does bring up an interesting question right?
Ask yourself, what if everything we know goes against us? Would you end your life or fight on?
I think that really proves who you are as a human being. I would fight on. Like in my IU day, problems happened but in the end, it was all good. Like a huge load had been lifted. :)

On another note, i just had a chat with my friend about relationships. Owh how much it hurts me when i heard what he was going through. Kinda reminded of what i'm going through last time.
But he did stuck me with one particular sentence which really moved me.
"Take the leap of faith"
I think most of us heard of this before. Well, if you didn't, then let me elaborate. In every relationship, it is a gamble. No one meets each other and falls in love instantly, not until they take that leap. To trust, believe and hope for a good future with that person. Loving is like gambling. You'll never know the outcome, and you'll never know whether youre gonna win or lose. But its also different from gambling because, most of the time, you end up winning. So go ahead, take that leap of faith. To have faith with someone, who makes you smile, who gives you butterflies in your tummy, and to know that that certain someone will always be there for you. Once you know he/she is that someone, don't let go. And don't get into a relationship if you are unsure. It will only hurt both sides. But if you are sure you wanna go for that someone, all i can say is, jump. Into that life you dream of having. Who knows, you might end up hurting both sides, you might be fighting for freedom, or you might just be together. Finding that fairytale is what we all want.

Hunting down for it. Yours truly. :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

All for the best.

Hello dear, readers. Lovely day isn't it. Well, please ignore the fact it's already night for me. :P
Well, back to the point, i'm here today to talk about how weird life is.
Went for a charity walk today called "Go Green" and i did not regret one bit going there. You see, i met her again. Sure it was awkward at first but, in the end of the day, it turned out for the best. Now, i'm actually smiling again and this smile is genuine, i promise you.
They ask, what's so hard talking to her again. Friends at time, doesn't understand but thanks to them though, I did made my move to talk to her. With just a pinky-promise. (Yes, i don't break pinky promise) :)
Well, in another case, my friend and I went to Aeon and lazed around the garden area the whole time. Talking about events in life, both our life, and about relationships. It was a good talk. Plus with little events happening around us, for instance, a couple afraid to talk to each other after what seemed to be an arguement but in the end, got back together, and also a small kid, randomly saying hi to people around him. How cute right?
It's events like this that really moves me. Especially our small and short-lived chat but i'm glad we did have that talk. :)
Now, we are at good terms and i feel so content. Now, all i have to worry is my upcoming events. Wish me luck guys.
Owh one more thing, i finally gave her what i wanted her to have after so long. I hope you like it. :)

Not a BIG FAT LIAR. Yours truly.

Friday, April 22, 2011


First of, i was inspired to write this. Don't know why but it just struck me.
A doppelganger is someone that looks like someone. A look-alike. A twin.

Have you ever wanted to meet someone like you? Whereby you both are like alike, you like the same thing, same hobby, same taste, but yet at the same time both of you are totally different people. I admit, i wanna meet someone like me. Someone that i can relate to in everything i do. It's not easy.
But what really struck me is that, in the end, we ourselves are our own doppelgangers. Look, think about every single one you know especially yourself. Then look back five years ago, were they the same person? Were YOU the same person? I'll bet my life, you aren't the same person you are now.

For example, five years ago, i was just a kid. Lost with no direction to go to. But readers, you see, the universe has already planned our life. God himself did. Back then, I was not a nice guy, and was kinda weak back then. But now, i'm proud to say that i'm stronger in life. It doesn't matter how many things are thrown at you, if you make it out alive, you make it out stronger.

Why don't you ask yourself that question. Think about it. Events in life are there for a reason.
And whatever you do, follow your heart, not always your mind. Opposing your heart will make your heart weaker. If you know what you want, deep from the heart, fight for it, chase it, keep it. Even if it seems impossible, it IS possible. If it weren't to be possible, the thought of it won't even be there.

Well, another thing i want to add. My school life is getting tougher now. People are starting to show their true color. Never did i thought he could be so ego-maniac. It's sad cause in the end, it'll devour him. Blinded by his ego-ness, i can only side him for so long. Now he has gone over the limit and sad to say, he won't make a great person in life. I looked up to you, now all i can see is down.

Blabbering around. Yours truly.


It's all i can say. That is how i am feeling right now, that is all i am feeling right now.
This moment will pass on. I'm sure of it. Till then, i shall keep doing what i have been doing all this while.
A heart is never broken, the links are all just disconnected. All we need is someone to come and link it back. For the frown to turn upside down. Anyone would do. :)

Well, i would also like to add thank you note. To the Volleyball Team this year. I couldn't find a better team with a better chemistry. Luck just wasn't in our side this year but it's okay. ACS ALL THE WAYY! HUAT AH! :)

From good to better. Yours truly.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is a girlfriend/boyfriend to you?

Well, what is it? What do you see in that particular someone you are in love with? Lately, all my friends are finding what I (Yes, i repeat, I) hope will be their true love. :) Yes of course most people think true love is all trash but think of it properly, is it really? I myself, love to believe in it. If it wasn't meant for me, but for a friend, then I'm content enough. I like seeing people happy, feeling loved. Especially if the relationship is true. No cheating, no lying, no reason for them to NOT fall in love. Especially to the guys, when they hold their partners hand, the feeling of proud-ness they have in them and to the girls that isn't shy to show how much she cares. They just complete each other. I'm sure once in a while, they have their flaws shown but if they were to be in love, that small matter won't stop them from forgiving each other. I mean c'mon, nobody is perfect. I also love seeing my friend that stayed with his girl after almost 4 years. 4 years! People, i think we all can learn from that. :) I also wanna congratulate my friends that is now in a relationship.
An advise. Always smile! You don't know how much it'll mean to your partner. :)
Ahhh, sheer joy indeed. :)

However, I stunned by a statement not long ago. And it really hit me. I was advising my friend about relationship when he struck me with this statement.
"Wow, thanks Scott. You should be a love Guru. Haha."
I did not know how to feel. Was I good in any of this? I looked back and just gave a sigh and said,
"I myself having problem with love."
Its funny, how I can go on and on and on about this and not moving on. Even advise from my friend .who advised me to right my feelings down would help, helped. I guess my time isn't up yet. I'll have to force myself to get over everything. It's not easy I can tell you that. Not with all the stuff I'm going through now. Friends, events, life.

I always wonder how, she moved on so easily. It was never easy for me, For both of mine. I guess her feelings died down as time progressed. It's hard, seeing your picture all over, hearing your name being mentioned.. It looks like I was just a memory. A bad one. I'm only talking about you here cause i HIGHLY doubt you'll ever read my blog. Plus, I don't think you'll bother remembering about me anymore. That's life i guess. You get thrown out once you've done your job.
Honestly, I am sick of blogging about all this but i can't help it. :(

I just have a few more wish.
To those that just found their match, please stay as one. It won't hurt to forgive one another. Put ego aside. It only kills.
Remember, a boyfriend/girlfriend is not a title, it is a promise. 
And congratulations again. :)

And to you. :(
Sigh, all i want is to see you one more time, to pass you something im meaning to give you long time ago.
If we do meet after that, i'm sure its just a small intersection between our path. I'm sure it won't change anything. :(

This will be the second last about this. Hopefully.

Rising back from the ashes. Yours truly.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sometimes, I just want to walk around town holding a signboard that says "Stop searching, I'm here, Love".

As said in the title. Don't ask me why. I'm just in the daring mood right now. Seriously, dare me to do anything, I'll most probably do it. DARE ME!

Dare me to kiss the first girl i see,
Dare me to give out free hugs to strangers,
Dare me to call someone random now,
Dare me to love again.
I'm in the mood, and i don't know what i'll do,
But if it means its gonna make me smile,
Bring it.

What's life without risk eh? :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have.

I must admit, life is not a bliss right now.
Forgetting about you is harder than i thought it would be.
Never knew my life could be such a wreck.
Now with additional pressure from school,
Things are getting bad. :/
I don't know about you, but i think of you all the time.
In the little things i do, always reminds me of you.
I'm not afraid to admit this, like seriously, why keep it to myself.
When i know its gonna backfire anyways.
I'm really sorry if this is all you hear from me.
The continues sound of my boring complains about me.
Shit me man, shit me.
But i'm not afraid to fall again.
Because in all that falling,
I'll always learn something special.
So i regret, nope.
Well, That's life isn't it?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ways to Enjoy Life (No.5)

Hey dear readers,
I have a few stuff i would like to mention about.
Firstly, I am doing way better now. But during my period of recovering till this day, I gained many things. And that is what I am gonna share with you today. I learnt that not all things aren't meant to last forever. So always appreciate what you have now. And if it's gone, treasure the memories. No one says you have to be ignore everything that was once important to you. Even if you have erased it from your mind, it still stays in your heart and that is where the memories actually come from. It moved your heart once back then and don't be surprised but ,in many ways, it still will.

Its true that things around you can bring back memories, and there's always something that you treasure most. It is your symbol of something that affected your life and made you the person you are today. I admit, i have one. It is very dear to me. I've only told a few people about it. And yesterday, during my English tuition, my teacher, a very spontaneous man and someone important to me asked me, is there anything i treasure most. In that very moment, i thought of you. I don't know why. Not only you i guess but also the thing that brought me back the memories. I shall elaborate more on that some other time for my time is running short.

All I'm trying to say is, appreciate what you have now. Don't regret it once it is gone. That is what I have learnt.

P.S: For my peeps, I won't be online for 3 days. Prefect camp. So not ready for it. -.-
And for those who scored high marks for their SPM, I am so proud of you! :')

Do check out my tumblr page.
 That is all. :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I'll go straight to the point.
Because I don't have any cliche lines to start off with.
Few days ago, my once owh-so-happy heart was dropped. Yeah, it broke.
Ever heard of the line, don't give your heart to someone that does not know how to hold it?
Well, clearly i don't know how to pick my holder.
And sadly, it happened.
But even so, I was only disappointed in myself.
All I can blame is only me, myself and I.
I know now the person whom this post is concern now happier, I hope.
Even so, i would like to say this,
For everything I'm living for, this is just a small part of life.
Crying over something that happened only makes it worst.
I know now my mistake and i hope not to bump into this kind of situation again.
A mistake is a mistake.
Nothing more, nothing less.
I just hope that person reads this and well feel better of that person's self.
Don't be sad anymore. Please.

You are forgiven. <3

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hey people, its me again.
I know, its not normal for me to blog twice a day,
But something happened,
I'm feeling down,
And I'm taking an advice from a friend,
Write down your feelings,
It'll make me feel better,
Well, honestly, it really depends how deep a wounded heart is,
Which brings us to a very topic,

Can a wounded heart be healed?
Well, the truth is yes. In time. But how you stand your ground as time passes by is really the main point of this post. This year has been one of the worst in my life and I don't think it'll get any better. Moving on is always hard. Have you ever heard of the saying "Someone grows on you". I don't fancy that line much nowadays. That is because it'll be hard for you to get over that certain someone one they no longer play apart from your life. I don't know. I have a very weak and sensitive heart, readers. Does that suck? Hell yeah it does. Every little detail will affect me.

Another topic, have you ever wondered why there are many suicidal cases. Well, I'd like to think they did that because their heart couldn't take it anymore. You'll hear sayings like, "such a pity, wasting her/his life" but the truth is, people rather die than facing what they go through everyday. The obstacles they face are just hell. And to add insult to injury, they don't see the path out, so jumping down buildings always occur. This somehow related to me, sadly. Can my heart take all this? Only time will tell i guess. But i sure hope i do not lose my sanity and be one of those suicide maniacs. But i can't guarantee anything. Sigh, time, i hope you heal me faster now.

P.S: I'm feeling worst than i was before. That's bad, :(

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

When life is lemons

Hey readers,
Here i am again, sulking about how bad life is,
I've been down lately but its weird how life goes,
I watched How I Met Your Mother one night, and it thought me lots of stuff.
If something doesn't work the way you want it to,
In five years, look back and ask yourself,
Was that really important?
Cause if it were, then you wouldn't be who you are today.
Its like an obstacle, if you're strong enough,
You'll prevail.
So I know now, what i must feel.
I'll live through this period of my life.
To the max.

Btw, Let's all pray for the world, for no matter how bad we see things, we are still one in the end.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Women's day.

I don't need to wish you ladies Happy Women's day to make you all know you're special. :) But still, Happy Women's Day. Especially to my sisters and mother and all the female i know. :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Reasons why couples do not match

So here i am, at 4oclock in the morning, blogging about something that bothers a lot of people. Why Am I up late, is another question, the reason im here is to tell my readers the importance of treating a partner. Here is a quote from my friend:

"Going after a person is fun. The bad part people cant handle is after getting the person"

Think about it people. Dont you think this is true? I mean, i know what it feels like to be in this situation. And to those that agrees with that statement, you people gotta change how you see things. Let me explain to you. There are a few things that you readers should know. Firstly, let me talk to you readers from the girls perspective:

Girl's perspective:
Most girls would want to be with who they know that they can grow up with, spend time with and also smile with each other anytime, anyday. They dont instantly fall in love with a man they just met. Drooling over someone that is hot is called crush, i mean, thats what i think so. Girls fall in only several times in their life, in which, the numbers can be counted with your fingers. Some even falls in love only once and is happy about it. We all make mistakes so it isnt wrong to love a few times. As they say, its better to have loved and lost than to never had loved at all. And once they found their 'man', they do not need to bother about their love life anymore cause they already got one and they know that if it is the one, he wouldnt leave. So what do they do? They carry on with their lives and not to be harsh to you ladies, you kinda leave the guys aside. Without sufficient love cause you girls know they wont leave you.

In the guy's perspective however:
After all the things they do to get to a female's heart, they would feel so much alive. Like its the best day of their lives. Unfortunately, they were wrong. During a relationship, guys would want the girls to treat them the way they used to be treated during the period they were going after their girl. For a man to receive love from their loved one is very important especially if the guy is being pressured from others sources. If insufficient love is given, how is the man going to survive if the woman of his life does not even help him. This is where the problem happens. The woman is not giving enough, the man is in need of more. If it gets worse, the guy might even cause bigger problems like trying to commit suicide.

This is very sad and for me, i think this is the main reason why couples these days are getting divorced. I'm just speculating. Beside, there are many other reasons too. But i think this is one of the many common reasons. Now, don't be surprised but this might even happen oppositely. My main point is, dont ever stop loving your partners. It might lead to even worst things. If you have feelings for them, show it. Dont keep it to yourself. Dont ever think that if you love them, they know it. Thats not really true. Both male and female likes to be shown love everytime. If not, once in a while. Keep your partners confused about your feeling towards them , as said, is gonna get ugly. So, keep them happy with love. And please show it. :)
Btw, sorry if I offended anyone. This is just my point of view. Feel free to comment.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What my heart is saying...

Have you ever wondered what would your friends/ family/ enemy life would be without meeting you?
Well, i have and to tell you readers the truth, life pretty much goes on the same for them. With or without me. Maybe its because I'm not much of an impact to anyones life? Or is it because I'm just a friend they meet in just one chapter of their life.
It doesn't bother me that much but still, there is a feeling inside of me that wish I know someone couldn't live without me. Not literally of course.
I mean I just wish I was the main character for someone else's life. =/
Honestly, think about it, don't you agree with me?
We all have people we care about or hate but that's what makes life fun.
I don't mind being in just one chapter of a book as long as I changed that certain someone's perception or way of life. But being in someone's life and staying there is a very big deal.
So dear readers, my point is, if someone really say that they cannot live without you and mean it, then stay there with them through out their journey. You'll never know that they might mean something to you too. Its a gamble but what is life without risk? Just make sure they mean what they say.

I'm in a very unstable state right now. But who cares, right?
As long as everyone around me is happy and living life they way they are suppose to live. That is good enough for me to make me smile. I don't care if I'm down in the dumps, just as long as other smile. Then so shall I.

Thanks for reading dear readers. It means a lot to me. Seriously. :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby baby baby owhhh!! :P

Hey guys!! Now the tittle is not what it seems. It really means baby and not the song that was sung by Justin Bieber. During the Chinese New Year holiday, I met a two adorable people that just caught my attention the whole time. Yes, two baby that is seriously adorable!! Like ZOMG!! 

The first one is my nephew named Dexter Teh. Yes I am an uncle but i don't mind being one for this chubby chubby boyh!! A little fact about him, He doesn't like people carrying him except his mom, his dad and sometimes my dad too. It is kinda hard to make him smile but when he does, i bet even the most darkest person by heart in this world would smile. :)

The next one is a small. She is not related to me but she is just as cute as Dexter. I met her during a dinner I had to attend somewhere around Bukit Tinggi. Her smile is just what I needed during that dinner. Was kinda bored actually till she came along. She sat beside my sister whom was sitting beside me. She smile easily and she sometimes giggles for no reason. Cute ain't she? She is also kind! The reason I am saying this is because she actually offered me food! She pilled some bun for me but did not offer any to my sister. Something tells me she flirts well. ;) Hahaha.                    

A certain someone better do better now. ;P Well that is all for me. I hope you readers enjoyed reading and admiring them as much as me. I gotta go now. Busy and hectic schedule. Till the next time I blog. Ta-ta. Bless your face people. Stay healthy, pretty, handsome, hot and whatever you think that you are. Just stay that way. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ways to Enjoy Life (No.4)

Give it hope, Have faith and believe. Even the impossible happens.

Watsup guys, as said above, have faith in whatever thing you do. You'll be surprised that even the impossible happens. I know it did cause things are way much better with her now. We reconnected and back to the way it was before. I'll never let this one go again. That's a promise i'm willing to make. Turns out, all I need was to go through  a phase. But thanks to certain people, i had faith and believed in it. Everything feel into place after that. I don't think i can elaborate more on this topic because it is up to you readers to apply it. If anything happens, just look for the way that can make you smile again. Going against the dark will only make it worst. As said my most of my friends, time heals all wounds. :) Time did heal me, but it also tested me and it was all worth it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

After being dumped

Hey guys, its me again. 
Im here today to tell whoever is reading this about being dumped.
It is a painful thing all of us teenagers go through and it is not something to be taken lightly. Many ended their lives because of the departure of their so called 'loved' ones and to over come it is a hard thing to do. There are many ways you can overcome it. Sadly to say, i've been through this lately too and life since then was always testing me. During this period of dull-ness, I tried many ways to get my mind off her and honestly, it was the hardest thing I have ever done. Even more sad is that I am not over her yet. =/ Anyways, enough about me, lets cut to the point shall we? By the way, this advise im giving is based on what i feel. Criticizing is not needed.

Way No.1
To be honest, Try not to follow this way. It's a heartless thing to do and the only reason I'm saying this way is for my own good. This is to ensure me never to go back to this way again. Its called the selfish way. Whereby, after the breakup, you would change who you truly are and go for the meanner approach to whomever you see especially 'her'/'him'. Treating people with disrespect, thinking everyone in this world is against you and whatever you do will surely bring war to your own soul and thus leading you towards the end of your life. I've only tired this once and it did not bring any good at all. Life is too beautiful to end your life just like that. Despite of all the nasty things we had heard from all around the world, do not ever forget that there are still ALOT of people with a soul that still cares. There is still heart around us. In conclusion, this way sucks.

Way No.2 
This way is normally used to show how much 'she'/'he' meant the world to you. You'll be doing stupid things like being emo or just be sad even though youre suppose to be happy. The pity-ness that people gives you along this period of time can only last so long, you will lose your friends eventually. Trust me. I did not stray long enough to find out what will happen. I'm a very lucky guy to have friends that helped me by pulling me out from the dark. You might even start to get jealous if someone else was talking to her instead of you. I know i was and im still not used to it yet. Well, that's what you get for giving up your heart so easily.

Way No.3
In this way, you will try to get over her as quick as possible. This might take a long time but it is best for you and everyone around you. To do this, simply be happy. Yes thats what I said. Just be happy. Do stuff that gets your mind off things. Get out from your house, do fun activities with your friends, do whatever it takes to be happy again. Being sad about someone that does not care for you and leaves you hanging. It really helps not only you, it also helps everyone around you. After being dumped, people will think you will be down and very low spirited. Surprise them, tell them that you have a strong soul and can overcome anything thrown at you. The smile on your face will be genuine. :)

For me, I am finally getting better but this scar will definitely stay. I'm gonna try one last time as said in my previous post. Being dumped by someone you care about is very painful. Especially when you gave your heart to that person. It might not be totally her fault that i was dumped. Perhaps she was right, I might have taken it fast. But that doesn't mean we can't start over. I promise it won't be easy but I can promise that it will all be worth it. My only hope is that she knows how I feel for her. That is all for me. I hope this helped many readers out there. Although i don't have many. 

Yours truly, Scott. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

One more for everything.

Im going to try one last time.
Before i give up on everything i've been dreaming for.
Before i find my happiness somewhere else.
One more last one, for everything.
Im putting all my hope and faith into it.
But i doubt it'll happen again.
I guess maybe that is why they call it the impossible dream.
We can only taste it for just a small period of time. And then its gone.
Wish me luck people.
Im gonna chase back the cause of my pain now.
And hopefully I'll be able to return with a smile.
Even if its a no.

Have you ever felt like, sometimes, we gotta make a mistake, just to confirm it is one. Mistakes are something we all do. And in some cases, it wont be a mistake at all. Instead, it'll be the best decision you've made in your life. Well, I hope this is one decision that will be able to heal me even if people says its a mistake. Yes or no, im coming out from that horrible place, a new. Wish me luck.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

All for you

You were a dream, then a reality but now just a memory.

I still love you, even after what happened.

I miss you and every single thing about you.

Would you repeat US if you had the chance?
Im hoping you would come across this dream of mine.
Because i know youre good at making it come true.
You helped me the first time why would the second be different?
But, i am hoping too much.
This is only just a dream.